Alle Lifte sind geöffnet. Der Schlittelweg ist geschlossen.

Jetzt buchen! Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Falls Ihre Zimmerkategorie online nicht buchbar ist, kontaktieren Sie uns unter info@heuberge.ch.

Arrival in summer

In summer our buses run from Fideris and Küblis to the Heuberge on Saturday and Sunday at fixed times.

In addition, the mountain road can be used with your own vehicle (permit required).

Summer arrival

The first port of call to get to the Heuberge is Fideris. From here an idyllic mountain road leads to the Heuberge, either with your own vehicle or with one of our buses. On Saturday and Sunday the buses leave three times a day at fixed times from Küblis and Fideris Sawmill, Wednesday to Friday in summer only by appointment and from a capacity of 6 persons.

An overview of the summer timetable can be found here as a PDF:

Approach Fideris

Address of our valley station “Fideris Sägerei”: Neue Strasse 99, 7235 Fideris

By public transport to Fideris

To Fideris or Küblis it is easy to get there by train. For timetable information please visit the SBB website:

By car to Fideris

You can reach us by car from Zurich on the A3 motorway to the Landquart exit and then continue in the direction of Davos. On the main road take the exit Fideris and then drive to the parking lot at the old sawmill, where you can park for free.

Since summer 2019, the permit to drive on Heubergstrasse can be easily obtained via SMS or app. All details can be found in the adjacent graphic. 

On the way to the Heuberge you will also find the information board.