Alle Lifte sind geöffnet. Der Schlittelweg ist geschlossen.

Jetzt buchen! Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Falls Ihre Zimmerkategorie online nicht buchbar ist, kontaktieren Sie uns unter info@heuberge.ch.


On this page you will find an overview of some of the different guests we are happy to welcome, as well as all further links to find out more.


Highly welcome

At 2000 m.a.s.l. we are happy to welcome all kinds of guests, whether humans or animals. We are happy to cater to your special needs in order to make your stay as pleasant as possible. For further questions, please contact us


Hunde sind bei uns gerne gesehene Gäste. In den Heubergen können auch die vierbeinigen Freunde ihren Urlaub in vollen Zügen genießen.


Other pets are also allowed to enjoy a holiday in the Heubergen with their masters and mistresses and do not have to stay at home alone.


Whether large or small, we have something for everyone. In summer, our rabbit paradise is set up in front of the restaurant, as well as a playground and trampoline.


We have the highest charging station for e-bikers at 2000 meters above sea level!


Innovators and inventors are welcome guests. Heuberge is breaking new ground and would like to take the transformation to a TECO resort.


An experience for every guest