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In the Heubergen we pay special attention to our surrounding nature

The Heuberge are a paradise for nature lovers in summer and winter. The mountain lodges are situated in a remote location in the middle of a high moorland landscape of national importance. Snow tours in this seclusion in the surroundings of the Heuberge are a complete pleasure.

Snow sports

With us no artificial snow

In the Heubergen, artificial snow-making has been avoided for decades. This is one of the reasons why the Heuberge are a natural paradise even in winter. With a bit of luck, touring skiers may encounter the mating black grouse in late winter or watch stoats playing in their white winter dress.

The preservation of this small paradise is an important concern of the Heuberge team. In the future, ways are to be found to promote the further development of Heuberge AG in harmony with nature.


Our environment is important to us